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Development ─ Page Metadata page

Section 04.development
Auth Required None (development documentation)
URL Path _v1.2401_/development
Source Path src/_v1.2401_/04.development/zola/_index.md
Work Path work/zola/content/_v1.2401_/development/
Purpose Explain Securepub Development


  • □ write this section


    host    ■ update profile                            guest   ■ update profile
                                                        guest   ■ accept invitation
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    host    ■ update member                             guest   ■ update member (note)
    host    ■ list members                              guest   ■ list members

    host    ■ add bundle (no members or discussion)
    host    ■ update bundle (no members or discussion)  guest   ■ view bundle
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    host    ■ update topic                              guest   ■ update topic
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    host    ■ add bundle (members)
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                                                        guest   ■ bundle topic
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    host    □ add bundle comments                       guest   □ add bundle comments
    host    □ update bundle comments                    guest   □ update bundle comments


  ◪ Development                         /development ◀───────────────────── this page
    □ Organization
      □ command and control
      □ build results
      □ source
      □ work area
    □ Setup
    □ Sync


  ◪ Development

    □ file organization                 * where things are

      Command and control

      □ .justfile                       * development workflow operations
                                          - dev, build, preview
                                          - copy, sync, setup, venv, pylint, clean

      □ .procfile                       * interactive development processes
                                          - sync: copies files from src/ to work/
                                          - zola: serves live site

      Build result

      □ public/                         * generated site goes here


      □ src/                            * pages and source code

        □ 00.test/                      * files related to the "test" page
          □ _sync.conf                  * where this page's files should be copied

          □ zola/                       * zola sources
            □ _index.md                 * test page source
            □ _index.sp.md              * test page metadata and design notes

      Compiler work area

      □ work/                           * where compilation happens
        □ .sync.py                      * the sync utility

        □ package.json                  * top level pnpm package
        □ pnpm-workspace.yaml           * top level pnpm workspaces

        □ zola/                         * zola site directory
          □ _zola.sh                    * build/serve logic

          □ _conf/                      * zola configurations
            □ dev.toml ...              * build/dev/prod

          □ content/                    * zola content
            □ _index.md                 * top level redirect for root of site
            □ _index.sp.md              * top level redirect for page metadata and design notes

            □ _v1.2401_/                * securepub v1 r2401 files
              □ test ...

          □ package.json                * delegates pnpm commands to _zola.sh

          □ static/                     * zola static content
            □ _v1.2401_/                * securepub v1 r2401 static files
              □ securepub.css           * custom css
              □ bulma ...               * etc

    □ setup
      □ python venv                     * virtualenv for python sync script
      □ pnpm node_modules               * npm packages for elm and typescript

    □ sync process
      □ build                           * triggered by 'just build'
                                          - setup python + node if needed
                                          - remove previous public/ build
                                          - copy files from src/ to work/
                                          - generate public/ with zola

      □ interactive                     * trigged by 'just dev'
                                          - setup python + node if needed
                                          - run procfile with overmind
                                            - sync: copies files from src/ to work/ when changed
                                            - zola: serves live development site