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How it works: Members

Who are members?

Securepub Members are users who join an engagement with their invitation link.

What can they do?

All members can do these membership-related things:

  • Signing In
  • Accepting invitations
  • Viewing and updating their profile
  • Viewing the list of engagement members
  • Viewing profiles of other members

Members can also take actions pertaining to bundles and topics as described in those sections.

What are invited members?

Invited members are members who have not yet accepted their invitation. Invited members may join engagements with their invitation link. Invited members may review unrestricted content shared with them and exchange comments with the host. Invited members may not review restricted content, create new topics or exchange comments with members other than the host.

What are accepted members?

Accepted members are members who have accepted their invitation and changed their Userbase username and password. Accepted members must provide their Userbase username and password each time they join an engagement with their invitation link. Accepted members may review any content shared with them, create new topics and exchange comments with other members.